NCANA Membership Form This is a:* Renewal New Membership Farm Name County where you/your farm is located Please check all of the ways that your farm is connected in social media Facebook Instagram Pinterest Snapchat Twitter Other channels Year started farming How many years has your farm welcomed visitors?Select an OptionOne year or less1-3 years4-7 years8-10 years11-15 years16-20 years20+ yearsAcres in ProductionSelect an Option5 acres or less6-10 acres11-15 acres16-20 acres21-30 acres31-50 acres51-75 acres76-100 acres101 - 150 acres151-200 acres201-300 acres300+ acresHow many total farm acres?Select an Option5 acres or less6-10 acres11-15 acres16-20 acres21-30 acres31-50 acres51-75 acres76-100 acres101 - 150 acres151-200 acres201-300 acres300+ acresFARM/EXPERIENCES/ATTRACTIONS: Agritourism offers an additional opportunity for farms to diversify their operation and create additional revenue streams. In this next section, to better understand your farm's agriculture contributions and all that your farm GROWS, RAISES, CATCHES and/or MAKES, please check all of the following items that apply to your farm Agriculture Museum Animal Display/Demonstrations ATV Bike Trails Brewery Camp Fires Cheese Processing Christmas Trees/Choose & Cut Cider Mill Cooking Demonstrations Corn or Crop Maze Cow or Goat Milking Curriculum Based School Activities Edible Landscaping Educational Seminars or Workshops Farm Animals Farmers Market Farm-to-Table Meals Farm Work Experience Fishing Food Processing Gardening Experiences Gem Mining Gift Shop Haunted Maze / Hay Ride Hayride Historic Buildings Horseback Riding / Lessons Horse/Pony Rides Led By Staff Hunting Lake / River Experiences Live Entertainment Military Re-enactments Mud Run Native Plants / Ecology On-Site Artisans Orchard Produce or Protein Processing Photography Pick-Your-Own Pig Races Pottery Making Pumpkin Patch Reunions Roadside Market Storytelling Summer Camps Tours / Guided Traditional Farm Trail Rides Wagon Rides Wine Making Vineyard Tasting Room On-Farm Festival Other (CONTINUED) FARM EXPERIENCES/ATTRACTIONS: If you listed "Other", please describe in detail belowACCOMMODATIONS: Please check all of the following items that apply to your farm Bed & Breakfast Cabins Camp Sites Group Camps RV / Motor Homes Reservations Accepted Other (CONTINUED) ACCOMMODATIONS: If "Other" was selected, please describe in detail belowSPECIAL EVENT SPACE: Please check all of the following items that apply to your farm Birthday Parties Wedding Venue Chapel Florist On-Site Event Coordinator Catering Commercial Kitchen Sound System Dance Floor Tent Rental Table / Chair Rental Liquor License Electricity Air Conditioning Heating School Groups Youth / Church Groups Tour Groups Corporate Groups Special Needs Groups Indoor Space Outdoor Space Parking SPECIAL EVENT SPACE: If "Indoor Space", was checked in the previous question, please provide HOW MANY GUESTS CAN BE ACCOMMODATED IN THE FARM'S INDOOR SPACESelect an Option15 or fewer guests16 - 20 guests21 - 25 guests26 - 30 guests31 - 50 guests51 - 75 guests76 - 100 guests101 - 125 guests126 - 150 guestsMore than 150 guestsSPECIAL EVENT SPACE: If "Outdoor Space", was checked in the previous question, please provide HOW MANY GUESTS CAN BE ACCOMMODATED IN THE FARM'S OUTDOOR EVENT SPACESelect an Option25 guests35 guests45 guests50 guests75 guests100 guests125 guests150 guests200 guests250 guests300 guestsMore than 300 guestsSPECIAL EVENT SPACE: If "Parking", was checked in the previous question, please provide the NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES belowSelect an Option10 parking spaces11-2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 5051 - 7576 - 100101 - 125126 - 150151-200More than 200 parking spacesIS THERE ADEQUATE SPACE FOR TOUR VEHICLES TO ENTER, PARK AND EXIT THE FARM SAFELY? Please check all that apply Yes, 15 Passenger Vans Yes, 35 Passenger Buses Yes, 55 Passenger Buses, like a Greyhound bus No, there is not adequate space for such vehicles on my farm FOOD SERVICE: Please check all of the following items that apply to your farm Full Service Restaurant Cantina or Pub Cafe Snack Bar Candy Shop Ice Cream Parlor Bakery Special Diet (Kosher, Vegetarian, Vegan ...) Local Food Catering Options Food Truck Vending Machines Prepared Snacks Other FOOD SERVICE: If "Other" was selected in the previous question, please describe in detail belowFOOD SERVICE. HOW MANY GUESTS CAN BE SERVED A MEAL SEAMLESSLY AT ONE TIME ON YOUR FARM?Select an Option15 Guests35 Guests55 Guests75 Guests100 Guests125 Guests150 Guests200 Guests225 Guests250 Guests300 Guests300+ GuestsDIRECT SALES: Please check all of the following items that apply to your farm Artisan Breads Artisan Cheeses Agriculture-Based Food Products like Honey, Jams, Jellies, Pickles, Sauces, etc. Meat / Chicken / Eggs Fish / Seafood Fresh Fruits Fresh Vegetables Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Bedding Plants Shrubs & Trees Vegetable Plants Potted Plants Fresh Flowers Dried Flowers Fresh Herbs Dried Herbs Baskets Local Crafts Homemade Soaps / Lotions or similar Wreaths / Garland Pumpkins Sugar Cane Corn Stalks Straw Bales Hay Bales Farm Animal Feed Deer Corn Farm T-shirts, Hats, or other Farm Branded Items. Produce and/or Protein to Local Restaurants or Caterers. Participate in Community Farmers Market(s) Other DIRECT SALES: If "Other" was selected in the previous question, please describe in detail belowAMENITIES: Please check all of the following items that apply to your farm ATM WiFi Restrooms Porta-johns All Handicapped Accessible Limited Handicap Accessible Not Handicapped Accessible Picnic Area Play Area On-Site Transportation Other AMENITIES: If "Other" was checked in the previous question, please describe in detail belowADMISSION INFORMATION: Please check all of the following that apply to your farm Cash Check Credit Cards Group Discounts School Trip Rates Senior Citizen Discounts Student Discounts Military Discount Cancellation Policy Other ADMISSION INFORMATION: If "Other" was selected in the previous question, please describe in detail belowADMISSION: Tour fee per guest?Select an OptionFreeUp to $5$6 - $10$11 - $15$16 - $20$21 - $25$26 - $30$31 - $35More than $35Negotiable based on number of visitorsEMPLOYEES: How many full time employees work on your farm? Please check all of the following items that apply to your farm 1-3 Full Time Staff 4-6 Full Time Staff 7-10 Full Time Staff 11-14 Full Time Staff 15 - 20 Full Time Staff Other Employees: If "Other" was checked in the previous question about how many full time employees work on your farm, please enter the number of full time employees belowEmployees: How many part-time employees work on your farm? Please check all of the following items that apply to your farm 1-3 Part-Time Employees 4-6 Part-Time Employees 7-10 Part-Time Employees 11-14 Part-Time Employees 15-20 Part-Time Employees 21-29 Part-Time Employees 30-39 Part-Time Employees 40-49 Part-Time Employees 50-60 Part-Time Employees Other Employees: If "Other" was checked in the previous question about how many part-time employees work on your farm, please enter the number of part-time employees belowDURING WHICH MONTHS WILL YOUR FARM BE OPEN FOR VISITORS? Please check all that apply January February March April May June July August September October November December Total $0.00